My TTRPG Experience, Published Works, & Freelance Opportunities

My History in TTRPGS
I have been playing, game mastering, and writing TTRPGs (Table Top Role Playing Games) since the beginning of 2019. My interest in TTRPGs began when I was in my early teens. One of the youth programs I took part in at my local library ran an occasional Dungeons & Dragons game. The DM ran the second edition ruleset which I largely failed to grasp (to this day I still don't understand THAC0) and despite only ever playing 2 or 3 sessions it caught my imagination. I attempted to get games off the ground throughout high school and college to no avail. Finally, in 2019, I found a group who was ready to play, and since then, I have been playing and writing as much as I possibly can!

Games I Love
I run games for all ages and the bulk of my experience is in Dungeons & Dragons 5E. Please contact me with requests for one-shots or longer campaigns! Limited-run games are perfect for birthday parties and team-building events.
I also have a particular love of indie games like Troika, Mothership, and Mork Borg and a passion for the various strange and wonderful zines published throughout the indie games community.

Ansel running a game

I'm pictured above running St. Regis School for Wayward Children, a hack I wrote of Electric Bastionland by Chris McDowall in the summer of 2020. Find it here!.

My Work
All of my currently published work is available here on my website. I would really appreciate a follow, then you can ensure you stay up to date on all my latest work! Soon, I hope to run a kickstarter to get a physical copy of some of my work into the world. Definitely keep an eye out for my work in Zinequest 2022!

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